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The Best Articles of 2022

Here are the articles that I thought were the most important from last year. You might have missed one, or simply would like to review some.

  • January Working with PDF: This is a tutorial covering many of the useful free features available with PDF-Xchange Editor and some tutorial help to get you started. I cover commenting and typing on PDF files. Typing allows you to fill in forms without needing to print the form out. Also I cover how to make a signature stamp, so you can easily stamp your name on documents without printing it out. I mention other free features and some paid ones. If you would like to do more with PDF files, this is for you.
  • March: You need two ways to send Email: I explain why you need two email accounts and a second way to send emails. As more and more spammers and phishers attack people, email hosts and doing more to protect you. Sooner or later you are likely to get blocked for a while mistakenly. Setup another account so you can still send an email.
  • April: Tracking important information: Here's how to track all your software licenses, unique passwords and other critical information. I even use this to record my driver's license, car VIN number, make model and year of phones, printers, computers and software licenses.
  • May: LibreOffice: Like MS Office but free and better: LibreOffice is a fine office suite capable of replacing MS Office for most users. It has for me. It will read and write most office files. Here's how to make it look a little nicer and more like MS Office.
  • August: Privacy Respecting Search Engines: I explore lots of search engines that do a good job and respect your privacy. I explain how to use them in your browser and switch quickly from one to another.
  • September: Router safety: Your router stands between you and millions of nefarious characters who'd like to break into your computer. Here are the steps necessary to keep it secure.
  • October: Emergency Info on Your Phone: Easily setup important medical and contact information on your phone. It will be available to emergency responders.
  • December: Anatomy of a Computer Hack: I take you step by step through how a client of mine gave up control of his computer and possibly his credit card to a con man through an email scam. Hopefully, this will help prevent this from happening to you.
  • December: How to check if a site is legitimate: This was a requested article and I received many thanks from clients and consultants for this useful article. I explain what to look for, and provide links to services you can use to check a site's trustworthiness. I use it myself when I need to check a site, as it gives me all the links I need.

Date: January 2023

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