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CDs and DVDs wear out!

Article for: People with old CDs or DVDs
Difficulty: Medium
Importance: Could save old data, music or programs

Though Cds and DVDs wear out on an average of 30 years, many begin to have faults in 10 years while others last for 50 years. So those of you with important files, pictures, or programs on CDs or DVDs should consider backing them up after 10 years. The cheap no name brands (or store brands) are the worst.


The most reliable media I know of are external USB hard drives for around $60 for 2 Terra bytes. These will work for documents and pictures. However, old program disks can require copying the CD or DVD onto a new disk.

For music, you can use Windows Media player to rip from one disk to another.

For copying a disk to another new CD or DVD (not a 20-year-old disk you bought at the same time as the original one), there are lots of options.

Most of the computers I sell come with Cyberlink's Media Suite, which has an option for Data backup and a sub-option for copying a disk. Many have Nero software on their computers, and that also has a disk backup option.

You can copy program CDs or data CDs to a new CD with Cd Burner XP. This is a simple free disk copying program.

Happy Copying.

Further reading:

Date: September 2020

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