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Firefox Add-on

Before add-ons, I should mention that Firefox has a new version, 3.5 which you should install now.

Default Full Zoom LevelAre you getting old? Eyes not what they used to be? This add-on is for us. Set default zoom size. My default is 140% of normal, but some pages, like Blazers edge are even bigger. Default Full Zoom Level then remembers what it was last set for on each site and uses that for the next visit. One more inconvenience of aging, removed from my life.

After installing it, go to tools⁄Add-ons then Defaul Full Zoom Level and select Optons.

Choose your default level, and then adjust your various zoom increments that you want showing when you change the zoom level.

The current zoom level and a small pop-up menu appear in the status bar.

Date: July 2009

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