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How to use the OCS Website

I often go to my own website when I need to research something. A couple of years ago my friend Peter Miller worked with me and redesigned the site. The idea was to present a lot of information and make it accessible. We succeeded pretty well. Since I also write a newsletter bi-monthly, we integrate all those articles, so there is a constant influx of new material.

Website Sections:

  • Outline of expertise areas: In this area I outline the major areas I work with and carefully describe a wide range of products and services including links to those websites.
  • Current Newsletter: I always have a link here to the articles in my current newsletter
  • Forms you can use: There are two links on the main page to forms for doing monthly maintenance, setting up a computer the first time, setting up an email client and so forth. These forms a free to use.
  • Newsletter search: You can search through my newsletter articles for the last few years on any topic I've written about. Many of my client questions are already addressed on a previous article.
  • Newsletter articles by area: We also divide the newsletter articles by area addressed and present them in reverse date order, with the newest articles on top.

This is a really good community resource and I encourage you to use it. Many of the questions my clients ask me have already been answered in Newsletter articles available here.

Date: April 2014

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This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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