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Renewing Nod32

This month, I've had two different clients call me with problems trying to renew their NOD32 antivirus license when it expired. I have emailed Eset, but they refuse to recognize that there is a problem. There are two different idiot moves made by Eset in the renewal process.

Stupid Move #1

When you renew, instead of needing your username and password, they require your username and the email address they have on file for you. This could be whichever email address you used, or it could be my email address, if I installed the antivirus when I sold or setup your computer. The only way I can deliver a computer with the antivirus installed, is to purchase it myself, using my email address and then re-bill you for it. If that is what was done, or I renewed it for you, then the email address would be steve (at) steveshank.com.

Stupid Move #2

If you get to the next screen, then you put in the correct username and email address. Now they will ask if you are a returning customer or a new customer. Here, if you weren't super vigilant, you wouldn't have noticed that there was a switch. This is what tripped up both of my clients this month. Eset sends you off to another company to process your credit card for payment. If you look closely at the address bar, you'll see you are now no longer at Eset or Nod32, but at Netsuite. - I bet you missed that! So, this is an entirely new company with an entirely new login. You can't use my Netsuite account and my credit card, so if I bought it for you, then you'll need to setup a new Netsuite account and give them your credit card. If you purchased it yourself, you'll have to figure out what your Netsuite login is, or try and create a new one.
So, quite possibly, even though you  are renewing a product you already own, you could be a new customer. They aren't asking whether you are new to Nod32, but to the processing agent they use.

Confusing Move

If you managed your was through the previous maze, then they trick you again! Next they send you links to download and install the software. But, you already have it installed, so you don't need to download and install it. Within a day or two, you should notice that your expiration date (found in Protection Status) has been updated to the new date. If you are using versions 2 or 3, you may want to upgrade to version 4 so you may wish to download or call me to help you with the upgrade, but to simply renew, no new software needs to be downloaded or installed. If you have version 4, don't install any new software.

An Alternative

For those of you who are profoundly irritated at the insanity of the renewal process, I recommend Sunbelt Software's Vipre.  However, if you manage you way through their confusing maze and renew, Nod32 remains an excellent antivirus choice.

Date: May 2010

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