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As many of you know, I really like excellent well constructed tools. I get really excited by my geared screwdriver. UltraMon is a tool like that to assist those of us who use dual (or more) monitors. It does lots of things, but I only use a couple of features. Ultramon adds two new windows management icons.

The one on the far left I almost never use, but it will spread a window across both screens. Clicking again will return it to the screen it came from. The other one, moves the window to the other screen. I use this all the time to quickly get a program off my main screen and onto my auxiliary screen, or vice versa. I also setup my system so the icons on the task bar for each monitor match the programs on that monitor.

I have accepted a couple of hotkeys:

These allow me to use a hotkeys to move or maximize a window.

I am using the 3.04 Beta, and don't recommend using the older version 2.xx. It costs $39.95 and offers a 30 day trial version.

Date: March 2009

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