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Phone Passwords

I hate two things:
  • the idea of having to enter a password to use my phone or tablet.
  • the idea that my phone or tablet is unprotected.

I have a solution that works for me. It is called an App Locker. The one I use on my phone and one tablet is Smart App Protector by SPSoft. The idea is simple enough. I don't need a password to read a book, or open my browser, or read the news or use the phone. However, I want a password to Change my settings, control my antivirus software, install a program, migrate my data, use email, Open the Amazon App, go to the play store, or change my app lock settings. With Smart App Protector I choose which programs need protecting and provide a password for those alone. So I must provide a password to install a program, or check my email, but not to read the news or check my calendar, shopping list or ToDo list.

It has lots of fancy features, but this is all I wanted.

Date: August 2014

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